RF19 NXX 2020-03-01 10:26:12

Lazy old woman. Can’t be bothered to return her trolley after shopping and just leaves it in the middle of the road. Obviously only interested in herself.
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PCZ 2019 2020-03-01 10:21:00

Great driver
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T55 LTC 2020-02-16 10:19:12

Driver thinks it’s okay to block access to our drive with their big 4x4. Very inconsiderate and surely this is not legal?
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V18 SJD 2020-03-01 09:27:20

Wantage, is Annies kitchens still there???
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KW07 JMX 2020-02-23 13:15:59

Parked on double yellow lines obstructing driveways with no consideration to residents
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YL55 PTZ 2020-02-16 06:54:50

Wanker hit and run on 2019 27 of july
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FL59 RXH 2020-02-23 00:44:07

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EA13 WGP 2020-02-23 13:04:40

Tried 'racing' me off a green light while in a right only lane then proceeded to cut me off forcing me onto the pavement and then proceeded to brake check me down the road continually after.
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M9 LTU 2020-03-01 03:09:13

Lovely driver, encountered him in my neighbourhood a few times, not the first time that he generously let me in a lane at heavy traffic times.
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V9 JRW 2020-02-23 03:01:45

Cunt, where to begin with this prick, firstly, he cut me up and slowed me down the Down syndrome cock. I was in my fast crosa limited edition getting a hand job off my high school bird and he has to ruin it. Then later on that night he had the audacity to pull out on me, shame his dad didn’t. I noticed he had a girl in the car and tbh I was surprised. And again me and my bird had just got to the good bit and this cunt ruined it. He was obviously pissed off because his bird is a dog and he ain’t getting any from her, lucky for me no matter the time, my girl is always up for it and that night I tongue punched her shitter. But all in all this guy can’t drive, is a major cock block and i now have the corona virous because of him. Wanker
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  1. BU53 FPV
  2. S671 UOA
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