FA66 AJO 2019-07-19 22:01:31

In torrential rain, this idiot cut across 3 motorway lanes while driving over the speed limit and without indicating, driving over the no-man's land area and nearly hitting the barriers.

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J40 MKS 2019-07-19 22:44:13

This retard decides to pull out on me going up a hill in Chorley whilst I am towing a loaded trailer then puts his foot down in a failed attempt for me not to see his stupid embarrassed face! Wanker! You drive a mini la clam down!
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EA60 HTV 2019-07-26 22:31:10

Want a pic of the car wreck less driving
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KV63 NFF 2019-07-19 22:39:00

Nonce. Someone gave this wanker a licence.

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EU13 YZV 2019-07-26 20:53:41

Smokes like a damn chimney his cigarette got on my car
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SN14 LUD 2019-07-26 20:52:52

Hit me while on my bike he was doing 50 on a 30 then grabbed me said he was gonna hit me I’m 16 he must be at least 70 by the looks of him
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BP02 POH 2019-07-26 20:46:57

Sorry that was meant to say Humpty Dumpty
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SK18 BZM 2019-07-26 20:40:57

Undertaking prick.
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PL19 VXF 2019-07-19 19:46:37

Excessive speeding, about 45mph in 30 zone
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FV55 LNF 2019-07-19 19:39:35

Speeding and tailgating dangerous driver!
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