BL19 HKK 2019-07-20 11:30:18

Strange that it's taken us 6 years to get our first UK MG3, they really aren't anything unusual any more.

BL19 plate = Probably a head office press fleet one.
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GR07 OYA 2019-07-26 19:26:18

Sat behind these wankers right now in traffic
Woman driving on the phone
Male passenger smoking cannabis
Kids in back no seatbelt
Scum of the earth !!!
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MF55 DWL 2019-07-19 15:22:02

This inconsiderate selfish arsewipe parked in a space marked no parking, which is there to assist disabled people using the adjacent disabled parking bay who need extra space to side load/unload mobility buggies.
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M555 WNG 2019-07-26 19:16:23

Bellend dangerous driver.
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SK10 WYU 2019-07-19 19:11:07

This driver is very rude and disrespectful he drove off a red light. Then start to call people in the streets “fat cunts” and told a disabled man “To kill himself” also ran over and killed a mother of two sad RIP Janet Smith
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RF10 DFK 2019-07-19 19:59:25

Selfishness manifest in the flesh
This woman double parked causing a virtually impossible route for vehicles to pass those that did crept others managed to scrape my red van in the picture driver side
I'm guessing it was the range rover nd possibly the car that the blond Rasta women was guided or both the video will be uploaded as - selfishness costs time nd money
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LL19 UTR 2019-07-19 18:33:16

Some feminine moron (by the looks of it asian) moron in a Merc A Class thinking that he can race an S3.

Mate at least don’t be a sheman with a car like that if that’s what you want to do!
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BD14 GPO 2019-07-26 18:26:26

Driver has clearly knocked out baffle from the silencer and is driving around Leominster town centre every evening creating a deafening noise.
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SA10 VZE 2019-07-19 18:22:06

This gormless woman with a massive dent and scrape already in the side of the car and decided it would be a smart idea to swerve in front of a queue of cars to steal a parking space that someone was waiting for! Absolute joker. No common curtesy and a reckless driver as well. Already had one accident, wouldn’t be surprised if this individual caused another.
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LM05 OTA 2019-07-19 17:32:37

Vehicle is a black taxi cab. Driver appears not to understand how traffic lights work - accelerated towards a crossing, and drove across after lights had turned red. Driving across Eaton Square on Lower Belgrave Street on 19/07/2019 at 17:28
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