VO57 RJZ 2019-07-19 13:20:23

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BR14 RAN 2019-07-26 14:11:47

Joke of a car, looks like it’s in primer. The man looks and drives like a cunt.

Clearly is a cunt
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VA07 AOF 2019-07-26 13:43:22

Terrible approach to roundabout and lane control, Morrrisons roundabout Crewe, Cheshire. Old Driver with poor eyesight at a guess.
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R22 NAE 2019-07-26 13:23:40

Absolute knobhead driver pulled out infront of me in Amersham at about 50 in a 30. Had to slam on brakes. She then took off at about 60 weaving between traffic
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RL04 XRY 2019-07-26 13:05:12

Leave Tim alone please, clearly a man with special needs.
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SF57 TZW 2019-07-26 12:50:49

absolute dickhead. Dangerous overtaking. speeding tailgating aggressively. Weaving. cutting people up. Walkden. Twat.
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WG07 YFL 2019-07-26 12:50:25

Drives like an absolute nonce, swerves around the road like the kids in the back are trying to escape. Can’t find the accelerator either. Nonce
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X24 SGS 2019-07-19 13:44:08

Yet another dangerous driver. Almost hit a black woman pushing a pram. Wonder if he’s a racist
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LN66 LZP 2019-07-19 12:40:41

On Dudden Hill Lane, this cab Driver used the right turn only lane into Burnley road, to overtake me while I was sat in a red light going straight ahead.

When I look up the cab company 'Green Tomatoes Cars' I couldn't believe they are meant to be an economical cab company. Before you can be economical you have to first drive safely!
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A11 AKG 2019-07-19 12:39:59

This driver has an absolute death wish. cutting in front of vehicles at high speeds and causing very sharp braking multiple times. Nearly caused 4 accidents within the space of 10 minutes. Don't undertake queuing traffic and then force your way back in hoping the other cars will brake. You are very lucky to be alive.
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