SC05 KWW 2016-01-13 11:16:58

Nice no left turn violation. Was it a one way street?
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SD10 PYV 2016-01-06 08:45:36

Unless that disabled parking bay has specific marking saying "this bay can only be used by X" then any blue badge holder can use it. Granted the blue car that is currently parked there isn't displaying a blue badge, but to specify it's a "child's disable parking space" is incorrect.
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T137 HRV 2016-01-13 03:29:24

What was achieved by aggression behaviour towards motorcyclist? I am sure this is illegal and not permitted in England. In Poland he would be arrested.
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RK08 DKD 2016-01-13 01:01:10

Mopeds for you complete disregard for anyone.
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KN02 YGZ 2016-01-13 00:18:35

Fucker stole my collection of mcdonalds world cup glasses!!!
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BU53 CZD 2016-01-12 22:37:03

Leave my chav son alone, he aent got much of a life the sad cunt so posts pics of his shitbox to get some attention
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KX05 AVF 2016-01-12 22:33:04

Stop posting pics of your shit chavvy car you sad cunt.
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A11 XHM 2016-01-05 18:30:33

This guy needs to get a life check why drive down roads with speed bumps that your penny racer can't get over have a word or next time I will ram you and leave you grounded on the speed hump get a life but before that get a grip or get a car bigger than postman pat's van or buy a V tec or slam your mom not your car
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A11 XHM 2016-01-05 17:25:38

Driver was seen with 3 blow up dolls in the rear seats of his car not sure if he has a problem keeping friends but he should of checked while buying them as the middle blow up doll is in fact a man each too there own I guess but he looked happy that's what counts.
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BU53 CZD 2016-01-11 17:08:54

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