BP19 GGA 2020-02-17 22:42:06

And the posters say ‘think bike think biker’ and this COMPLETE CUNT rides in the wrong side of the road expecting the on coming cars to move out of the way. Pricks like this need to take more fucking responsibility for their own fucking safety and the others on the road. CUNT.
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KF51 KJK 2020-02-18 23:31:39

too fast and too close. Did you do it deliberately/ or did you just have no idea how close you were/? im going 20 mph on this road chap, you blitzed past me going probably 70 plus, barely half a foot from your mirror to mine. If i go over a pothole, or get a blowout, at the moment you come past me, you're going to smack that mini into me, probably killing me and you'll be in court for dangerous driving. DONT close pass cyclists, use the other lane and we wont have a problem. From someone with four motorbikes, one costing 5300 quid which i paid outright. The others are worth 2000, 1800 and 1300. Not poor, got driving and motorbike licences, just like cycling. It would be super if you didnt kill me when im doing this. Thanks.
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J50 SNN 2020-02-25 21:38:55

Amazing driver!
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WV14 XGD 2020-02-18 21:33:29

Don’t block an EV charging bay you inbred
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YP52 HRR 2020-02-18 17:17:08

Turns left from middle lane nearly taking my front off

Seems somewhat put out I.m pissed off hes nearly destroyed my car with an idiot move
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BV06 KUD 2020-02-25 19:58:58

Absolute pin dick wank stain. Thinks he’s billy big bollocks over taking at a red light in his shitty 108. 10/10 would punch him in the fanny.
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DL63 KFF 2020-02-18 15:38:02

Double parked in disabled parking spaces with no badge
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DX53 VTE 2020-02-18 19:23:49

Thinks he is in a submarine. Idiot fitted snorkeling kit & still managed to get stuck. All it had to do was hit missing manhole cover popped out by back pressure waters or submerged roadside furniture 'other obstacle' for his stupidity to mean he would have had to be rescued. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-51550291/floods-unofficial-rescue-truck-finds-itself-in-deep-water
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LT06 LGZ 2020-02-25 18:23:48

Pulled out of right turn onto A1 50mph section near Sandy in front of me - had to slam on brakes. He was driving erratically, I assumed he was drunk but later saw him texting.
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YH64 HMZ 2020-02-18 16:59:25

Driving on motorway with a clear lane in front of them at 34mph

Really should not be on the road
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